The Online Abode (Lair?) of Hunter A. Stufflebeam


I am a PhD student in mathematics at The University of Pennsylvania, and was formerly an undergraduate at The University of Texas at Austin. My main interests lie in geometric analysis and partial differential equations--especially concerning spaces of low-regularity, geometric measure theory, and lower curvature bounds. My recent work has largely concerned almost-rigidity problems and the structure of limit spaces.

I am currently (pun intended) on the academic job market during the 2024-2025 year :)


  1. Stability of Convex Disks (2023). Preprint: arXiv:2301.13130. Accepted in Calc. Var. PDE Sept. 2023
  2. Stability of Convex Spheres (Joint with Davi Maximo) (2023). Preprint: arXiv:2312.13995. Submitted.
  3. Width Stability of Rotationally Symmetric Metrics (Joint with Paul Sweeney Jr.) (2024). Preprint: arXiv:2409.13646. Submitted.

Invited Talks and Conferences

As Organizer:

  1. Gender Minorities in Topology and Related Areas Konference (GeMTraK) at U-Penn. Spring 2024. See the link for more details.

As Speaker:

  1. Joint Mathematics Meetings: Special Session on Metric Geometry and Topology. January 2025.
  2. Lehigh Geometry Seminar. November 2024.
  3. Carnegie Mellon Graduate/Postdoc Seminar. November 2024.
  4. Convergence or Scalar Curvature (COSC) Seminar. October 2024.
  5. North Carolina State University Geometry-Topology Seminar. September 2024.
  6. Temple Graduate Student Conference in Algebra, Geometry, and Topology. May 2024.
  7. Temple Graduate Student Conference in Algebra, Geometry, and Topology. May 2023.
  8. Brown Workshop on Differential Geometry. March 2023.
  9. CUNY Geometric Analysis Seminar. March 2023.
  10. UPenn Geometry Seminar. March 2023.
  11. Australian Geometric PDE Seminar. October 2022.


Notes and Expository Writing

Collected below are a small potpourri of expositional pieces and notes I've written up. I hope they might be of some help, and I may upload more later. If you happen to come across any typos or errors, please let me know.

  1. Allard Type Regularity Theorems for Rectifiable Varifolds. My undergraduate thesis at UT Austin, under the supervision of Francesco Maggi and Salvatore Stuvard (2019). This could probably also serve as an introduction to the regulartity theory of rectifiable varifolds.
  2. The Yamabe Problem. A set of notes I wrote for a series of talks at UPenn, based on the (wonderful) paper by Lee and Parker, and the (wonderful) set of notes by Robin Neumayer.
  3. Intro to the Bochner Method. A set of notes I wrote for a series of talks at UPenn.
  4. Intro to the Hodge Theorem. A set of notes I wrote for a series of talks at UPenn.

Resources and Links

I'll keep updating this as I get the time...

Mathematical Resources:

  • Although we might not think about it as much as we should, as mathematicians we have an enormous responsibility when it comes to not just how we disseminate knowledge and act as educators, but also with how our work is used. Here's a link to the Just Mathematics Collective, an organziation committed to ethical mathematics.
  • Here's a link to my friend Arun Debray's academic webpage, which, in particular, has many amazing notes and resources.
  • Here's a link to a running calendar of online math seminars.
  • Here's a link to the geometry LISTSERV, which advertises conferences and other events in geometry/topology.
  • Can't remember how to typeset something in latex? Here's a link for that if you remember how to draw what you want.
  • Here's a great resource for generating tikz diagrams.
  • A good education in Riemannian geometry is no substitute for knowing of the existence of this eternally useful wiki page (a list of common formulas and identities in Riemannian geometry).
  • Useful Resources for UPenn students:

  • Here's a link to support resources available to UPenn students.
  • Here's a link to resources akin to the above, but directed more specifically towards graduate students.
  • If you somehow found this page, but cannot locate the UPenn math website, here's a link to that.
  • Is SEPTA ok? Does this train even exist? Why does apple maps say my bus is in northern Africa? Click here if you're fine with liberal use of profanity to find out if something's afoot.
  • Fun Links:

  • Here's an applet that allows you to draw a closed plane curve and watch its evolution under the curve shortening flow.
  • Here's an applet for playing Conway's Game of Life.
  • Here's a book called ``Uncle Petros and Goldbach's Conjecture'' about why you should study geometric analysis and not number theory ;)
  • Here's an applet that **roughly** notates a rhythm you tap out.

  • Other Odds and Ends

    I do stuff other than math! In particular I play the bass trombone and electric bass, and am generally very excited about music.
    You can hear me play trombone in the Penn Symphony Orchestra (Link) at one of our four yearly concerts which are free to attend! We have recently played Mahler Symphonies 1 and 2, Rachmanninov's Symphony 2 and Symphonic Dances, Tchaikovsky's Symphony 5, Sibelius' Symphony 2, Rimsky-Korsakov's Scheherazade, Mussorgsky-Ravel's Pictures at an Exhibition, and soooo much more.
    If you hear me playing bass you've wandered into a west philly punk jam situation and should consider taking evasive action.